Labour India Rural Employment cum Educational Project (LIREP)

Labour India Rural Employment cum Educational Project (LIREP) is our new channel of distribution, functional in all the Panchayaths, municipalities and corporations in Kerala, providing employment opportunities to over 2500 educated unemployed youth. It ensures the availability of educational aids to rural and urban community alike through our system of Development Officers and Unit Managers assigned to the particular locality, thereby spreading the message of "education for all" irrespective of their economic status.

This is the vision which the company holds forth. The best of the educational materials should reach the students at the grass-root level in the villages. It helps the average student to become an above-average student. Often, the best methods of education do not reach the needy person in the village as the modes of conveying the information to him is costly. The urban populace has the advantage of purchasing educational materials from the local shops. But the village student often finds it difficult to get such facilities. Hence, a new way had to be found out for distributing these products so that they reach the rural students. Labour India was the beginner to take this concept to the market. If an idea succeeds, then others will follow suit. Many have followed our footprint. But the best ideas, when tried out by amateurs fail, and many who tried to follow us have been left far behind.

How do the hierarchy work in LIREP? As a Unit Manager, you will have under you a few Development Officers recruited by the company. In your capacity as a Unit Manager you have to motivate these officers to work for the betterment of the children with regard to their education.